Do you have healthy habits?

What is the most
important meal of the day for you?
A - Breakfast B -
lunch C- dinner
Is there a dish which is always present in your daily diet?
A - fruit and vegetables B - pasta C - meat
What do you usually drink at meals?
A - water B - fruit juice C - fizzy drinks
A - Yes, always
B - sometimes
C - never
5. If so,
What do you usually eat for
A - cereals
and milk
B - vegetables
C - crisps
6. How many portions of vegetables do you eat in a day?
A - three B - one C - I don't like vegetables
7. How many portions of fruit do you eat in a day?
A - three
B - one
- I don't like fruit
8. How many times a week do you eat meat (including Bologna, ham,
Parma ham, etc?)
A - three times B - everyday C - usually at lunch and dinner
9. How often do you eat junk
A - once a month B - twice a month
C - once a week
10. Do you generally check the calories of your favourite snacks?
A - sometimes B - always C - never
11. How often do you eat
frozen food or take away pizzas?
A - occasionally B - once a week
C - every other day
12. Do you ever cook your own meals? What can you
A - When I'm alone I can
manage B
- When I'm alone I grab
anything I find in the kitchen
C- never , I can't cook
Do you usually eat alone or with your family?
A - With my family
B - I
am alone at lunch
C- nearly always alone
Do you usually watch TV while you are eating?
A - No
B -
C - Always