Saturday 12 January 2013

Ciocorì cake

                 Click here to see us in ==> How to make a ciocorì cake
Ciocori is a cake made of puffed rice with chocolate, perfect to eat with friends during a party or simply for a break; ciocori is very easy to make, quick and tasty. If you try it, you will not be able to  do without!

-         125g butter
-         250g of Mars bars
-         200g puffed rice with chocolate

Suspend a large heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water (do not allow the base of the bowl to touch the water).
 Put the Mars bars and butter into the bowl, and stir till they melt.  Keep stirring till you get a smooth  mixture. Remove from the fire and add the puffed rice to the mixture. Mix the ingredients until all the rice is well mixed; after that put the mixture into a mold and let it chill.  Set aside to cool and harden; you can put it into the fridge or eat it; the taste doesn't change but, if you want to preserve it, you have to put it into the fridge. Now you have made a delicious ciocori cake.

Press down the mixture to form an even layer, pushing it into the corners and sides of your mould or tray. This is important to get nice pieces when you cut it.