
Do you have healthy habits?

1.      What is the most important meal of the day for you?
A - Breakfast                      B -  lunch                   C- dinner
2.      Is there a dish which is always present in your daily diet?
A - fruit and vegetables   B - pasta                    C -  meat
3.      What do you usually drink at meals?
A - water                          B - fruit juice               C - fizzy drinks

4.  Do you always have breakfast?
A   - Yes, always
B   -  sometimes
C  -   never
5.  If so, What do you usually eat for   breakfast?
A   - cereals and milk
B    - vegetables
C   - crisps

6. How many portions of vegetables do you eat in a day?
A - three                          B - one            C - I don't like vegetables
7. How many portions of fruit do you eat in a day?
A - three           B - one          
                   C - I don't like fruit
8. How many times a week do you eat meat (including Bologna, ham, Parma ham, etc?)
A - three times           B -  everyday                        C -  usually at lunch and dinner


9. How often do you eat junk food?
A - once a month                             B - twice a month         C - once a week
10. Do you generally check the calories of your favourite snacks?
A - sometimes                       B - always                        C - never
11. How often do you eat frozen food or take away pizzas?
A - occasionally                    B - once a week         C - every other day
12. Do  you ever cook your own meals? What can you cook?
A - When I'm alone I can manage   B - When I'm alone I grab anything I find  in the kitchen  
      C- never , I can't cook

13. Do you usually eat alone or with your family?
 A - With my family                         
 B - I am alone at lunch                              
C- nearly always alone
14. Do you usually watch TV while you are eating?
  A - No          
  B -  occasionally  
  C - Always

If most   of your answers are           A
Your eating habits are perfect! You take care of your health by eating fruit and vegetables.  You are in good health, so all you need to do is to keep behaving this way!
If  most  of your answers are B
You eat rather correctly, but your eating habits could be improved. Don’t be lazy and don’t  forget to do physical exercise to get in good shape!
 If most  of your answers are C
Youdefinitely  must change your eating habits and give up your couch-potato lifestyle. Try to eat junk food and sweets, only occasionally. Your  heart and also your mood suffer from  such bad habits.!





